Friday, 23 November 2012

Work In Progress

Well, I've managed to find someone crazy enough to pay me for something!  Last week I was given a really wonderful job at a local high school to support Year 11 students (and at times, Year 10) in boosting their GCSEs and future prospects.  It's a role that I feel very privileged to have; not quite teacher not quite counsellor...  Helping to make changes to how their school day works to be better for each individual pupil.
As great an opportunity it is, it does mean I will have a lot less time to do any illustration than before, but it will help me to focus and appreciate the time I do have spare.  And, you know, money is always a really really good thing.
So here's what I've worked on the past week or two (or three. I've been taking it pretty easy since uni ended!):

Prep-work pre-composition stages.

A present for a friend.  Hopefully for Christmas (1 of 5)
Tonal values decided before laying down colour.

Something silly and spontaneous!  Based on me and the mister's nicknames (pukebarfpuke).
Thinking of doing a small scruffy comic telling an abstract version of our relationship. 

Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Vote Delgado

ABC Comedy's Modern Family - Manny Delgado
Photoshop CS6, Genius Graphics Tablet
If there's a TV character you're fond of and would like to see me paint, go ahead and let me know!  Suggested so far are characters from these shows:

The Wire
Due South

It's been a great way for me to learn portraiture and I change my approach with each painting to get the most effective appearance and try new things!