Sunday, 26 June 2011

One Hour Drawing

I kept it simple - just sketching, monotone.
I'm really trying to get in practise with digitally drawing portraits and keeping up my speed.
I used a brush I wasn't familiar with, which took some adjusting (and some of my sweet time!)
But the mistakes I make now are the lessons I apply later.
I'll do a portrait next, for however long it takes until I can roughly say it's finished.
It's important I start building up my confidence and skills now before I begin my third year project which my degree is really riding on.(that and my glorious dissertation).
J. x

Saturday, 25 June 2011

Swear Engine

Continuing my one hour challenges, here he is.
Ian McShane as Al Swearengen from HBO's Deadwood.
Let me know what you think!
I drew him a bit differently to how I usually-- wait, I don't have a usual way.
Give it ten more years, then maybe I'll have figured out how I do things...
J. x

Friday, 24 June 2011


Spotted in Newcastle's Travelling Man by my lovely friend Cru Fox

You can now buy Bagatelle Issue 3 from Travelling Man Leeds and Newcastle!
I also have 6 copies to sell to anyone interested.

It's a lovely piece of work, made up of several short comic strip/graphic novel-esque tales, by a collaboration of various writers and artists.
And I'm in it.
For £3.50 it can be yours.

J. x

Graduate Exhibition '11

The Graduate Exhibition at the University of Cumbria ended two weeks ago, but it feels like years!

The Exhibition Preview Night:  Me (black dress, no glasses) with my class and a few of their friends and family

I completed three of the four images I had planned, making the fourth my concept sketches.  One of the three I completely re-started and did it in the two days before the hand in.  It was a bit of a mad decision but I pulled it off with very little sleep, encouragement from friends and a lot of relief.

It was really satisfying having my work put in frames and hung up for all to see, but I was doing my usual thing of telling myself "you can do better".  Which is true with every piece of work.  I think that's why I love drawing so much, it's addictive, each attempt I make at it is always different and hopefully better than the last.


I've just got a CGSociety account and I uploaded my original images on their if you'd like to see them!
J. x